Allergy Care Kit Treatment Protocol
Congratulations on choosing to become a stronger, healthier and happier version of yourself! Please read all of the commonly asked questions and instructions carefully before starting your treatment as this can determine how effective the treatments will be.
I only react to some of the allergens in the kit. Do I need to treat myself for all of them? Yes. The kit contains vials with the most common allergens associated with your symptoms. Even though you might think that you are not reacting to items in a specific vial, do not skip any vials. These specific allergens are often major contributors to the symptoms associated with the kit you’ve purchased. You might have a mild reaction to some of them, yet it is important to follow the protocol and do all the vials in this order. Why do I have to do the vials in a specific order? The vials are to be done in a specific order for a reason and it is important to do one vial before moving onto the next in order to maximize your results. Years of clinical practice have shown us that this order is the most beneficial one for most people which is why we recommend adhering to it. Skipping vials or doing them in a different order may prove to be less effective. What time of the day is best to treat myself for a particular vial? For most vials, you should treat yourself in the evening just before bed as it is easier to avoid food while you sleep. Please refrain from using anything topically or brushing your teeth after the treatment. For best results we recommend to abstain from the allergens treated for 8 hours after, if possible. You can resume your usual morning routine when you wake up. Dust and dust mite should be treated in the morning while minimizing exposure to dust and dust mite for 8 hours. How will I know if I need to treat myself for the same vial again? If you are aware of specific symptoms that are associated with a particular vial and you still notice symptoms when exposed to the allergen after treating yourself for the vial once, you should treat yourself for the same vial again. You can treat yourself for a vial up to three times in a row (waiting 2 days between treatments). If there is still a reaction, then you should move on to the next vial and once you finish doing all the other vials, go back and redo that one again up to 3 times in a row (again waiting 2 days between treatments). How many times can I use each vial? You can use the vials in the kit on yourself, on family members and friends as often as necessary and for years to come. If you plan on treating someone else and yourself for the same vial on the same day, make sure you do the protocol on the other person/child before doing it on yourself. The vials don’t have an expiration date and should last a long time if they’re well taken care of. We do recommend keeping the vials away from electronic devices as they can affect the vials. Can you get a reaction while holding a vial or from doing the treatment protocol? It is possible to feel tired and have your symptoms slightly flare up in the 24 hours after treatment for a particular vial. This may happen as your body adjusts and resets itself to return to a state of balance after each treatment. During this process you may feel like you’re experiencing a healing transformation or a detox. The reaction should subside after 24 hours and if it doesn’t, then please redo the last vial that caused this reaction 2 days after the last treatment. It is very unlikely to have a reaction from just holding a vial, but if it does happen, it should not be worse than the reaction you have when coming in contact with the allergen. How much time should I leave between treating myself with each vial? Sessions should be done every second day. If you are feeling tired, get a headache or have any other symptom that may resemble a healing crisis after each vial, you should only do one session a week. I have a pacemaker, is it safe for me to use the laser pen? Yes. Please make sure that you do NOT use the laser for steps 3 and 4 of the protocol. Instead, in Step 3 you will tap on the center of the chest with your fingertips for 30 seconds. In Step 4 you will tap on both of the Kidney 27 points simultaneously using your thumb on one point and index finger of the same hand on the other point for 30 seconds.
The Allergy Care Kit is not to be used on people with anaphylactic type reactions or any other life threatening reactions to allergens listed in the kits.Keep out of the reach of children. Vials are NOT to be consumed.
We recommend consulting with an allergy specialist if you have any concerns regarding reintroducing specific foods into your diet.
Laser Use and Safety
Although our FDA approved Class IIIa laser is considered eye safe due to the eye’s ability to blink if the beam is pointed at the eye, we recommend safety glasses. We also recommend the following to consider when using the laser:
Remove any clothing barrier that prevents the laser beam from coming into contact with your skin
When possible, have the laser directly touching your skin to reduce reflection of the beam
Never use the laser around the eyes
Never look directly at the laser
Never use on an area where you do not want to increase cell growth (ex. skin cancer)
Do not use the laser directly on an open wound
It is illegal in the USA to aim a laser pointer at aircrafts or in their flight path
Treatment Protocol
NOTE: The BODYCONNECT vial and SYSTEMS vial will be used during each treatment
NOTE: If you are treating a child, skip steps 3 and 4 and instead hold the vial you are treating against the child's skin and shine the laser through the vial so the red laser point shines onto the skin for 2 minutes
Find a quiet place, take a deep breath and center yourself
Place the BODYCONNECT vial, SYSTEMS vial and the VIAL(s) you are treating yourself for in contact with your skin (it can be on your stomach, in your bra or under your leg while sitting (as long as they are in contact with your skin)
Treatment for Vial 1: hold BodyConnect vial, Systems vial and Vial 1
Treatment for Vials 2-10: hold BodyConnect vial, Systems vial, Vial 1 and the Vial you are treating (you will be holding a total of 4 Vials)
Use the pad of your index finger or thumb to cover the opening of your ear or if you have nails, bend your finger and use the knuckle to cover the ear (do not insert your finger into the ear)
Create a suction between the ear and the finger and then pulse your finger slightly so the seal between your finger and ear opening is broken with each pulse and repeat for 30 times on each ear
Point the laser in the center of your chest and make small circles for 30 seconds (or tap if you have a pacemaker)
Please refer to diagrams for specific Acupuncture point locations described below
Locate your two Kidney Points K27 and make small circles with the lasers for 10 seconds on each point (or tap if you have a pacemaker)
Left Hand
(looking at hand placed flat on a surface)
Locate Lung 11 point (bottom right corner of thumbnail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Large Intestine 1 point (bottom right corner of index fingernail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Pericardium 9 point (middle finger on top in the middle) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Triple Warmer 1 point (bottom left corner of ring fingernail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Heart 9 point (bottom right corner of pinky fingernail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Small Intestine 1 point (bottom left corner of pinky fingernail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Left Foot
Locate Spleen 1 point (bottom right corner of the big toe nail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Liver 1 point (bottom left corner of the big toe nail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Stomach 45 point (bottom left corner of 2nd toe nail ) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Gallbladder 44 point (bottom left corner of 4th toe nail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Bladder 67 point (bottom left corner of 5th toe nail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Right Foot
Locate Spleen 1 point (bottom left corner of the big toe nail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Liver 1 point (bottom right corner of the big toe nail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Stomach 45 point (bottom right corner of 2nd toe nail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Gallbladder 44 point (bottom right corner of 4th toe nail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Bladder 67 point (bottom right corner of 5th toe nail) and make small circles for with the laser 10 seconds
Right Hand
(looking at hand placed flat on a surface)
Locate Lung 11 point (bottom left corner of thumbnail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Large Intestine 1 point (bottom left corner of index fingernail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Pericardium 9 point (middle finger on top in the middle) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Triple Warmer 1 point (bottom right corner of ring fingernail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Heart 9 point (bottom left corner of pinky fingernail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Locate Small Intestine 1 point (bottom right corner of pinky fingernail) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Closing Sequence Points
On the right hand, locate Large Intestine 4 point (in the web of the thumb and index finger an inch toward bone of index finger) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds to begin the circuit
Bend your right arm by placing your right hand on your left shoulder and look for the end of the crease on the outer side of your bent elbow to locate Large Intestine 11 point and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
Bend your left arm by placing your left hand on your right shoulder and look for the end of the crease on the outer side of your bent elbow to locate Large Intestine 11 point and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
On the left hand, locate Large Intestine 4 point (in the web of the thumb and index finger an inch toward bone of index finger) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
On the left foot, locate Liver 3 point (in between big toe and 2nd toe an inch down from the web) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
On the right foot, locate Liver 3 point (in between big toe and 2nd toe an inch down from the web) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds
On the right hand, locate Large Intestine 4 point (in the web of the thumb and index finger an inch toward bone of index finger) and make small circles with the laser for 10 seconds to close the circuit