Tomaya Weiser
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
I’m not sure why I was born so sensitive. I’m one of those who was practically allergic to air. I always struggled with my health and during my school years, I remember missing many days of school as I was often down with some bacterial infection.
Being sick often as well as being a picky eater haven’t prevented me from being adventurous. I love travelling to new places and exploring different cultures, music, languages and food when possible.
So when I got the opportunity to go live in exotic Africa at the tender age of 16, I couldn’t turn it down. I left home and went to a boarding school in Swaziland (Southern Africa to those who aren’t sure where that is). I enjoyed getting involved with the local community and embracing different traditions and customs. I couldn’t stop travelling. I hitchhiked around Africa, bought around the world ticket and ended up in Australia.
I really wanted to be a medical Doctor so I could volunteer in third world countries and give back, but I ended up becoming a Doctor of Chinese Medicine in Australia. I saw how effective Acupuncture can be and I was very passionate about it.
During all those years, my diet became even stricter than it already was as I was reacting to more and more things. I put on a brave face hoping things would get better while going to see specialists and natural healthcare practitioners.
In search of an answer, I have studied every modality I could find that I thought might help me in some way. I studied herbal medicine, nutrition, massage, reflexology, kinesiology, IPEC, theta healing, genome healing, pranic healing and more. I finally found a way to successfully clear my allergies and there was nothing I wanted more than to help others with their symptoms
I have been treating people with food and environmental sensitivities since 2007. The method I used was very effective, yet for some people it just didn’t work, or it did work, but the symptoms returned.
I was determined to find a way to help the ones who didn’t get much relief. I had to dig deeper and combine all my knowledge and intuition to get to the root cause(s) of why we get unwell.
There are so many factors to ill-health and I have found that difficult cases (like myself) often have quite a few things in common.
I don’t want to leave any stone unturned, which is why Lesley and I have developed BodyConnect™. This technique has been consistently producing better results than any other modality I have personally tried in the past and every modality I have practiced on its own. BodyConnect™ has allowed us to treat humans (adults and babies alike) and animals via distance with great success.
We’ve been asked if this technique is teachable and the answer is YES! As of 2017, Certified BodyConnect therapy courses are offered in a few locations globally and soon to be offered online.
Please contact us on [email protected] if you’d like to learn how you can create positive and long lasting changes in your life and help others on their path to health and well-being.
I realized that offering this amazing healing and training other practitioners (to provide the same technique and get fantastic results) wasn’t enough. I have been fully booked out for months and there were many people I had to turn away. I was so happy to be so busy doing what I love, yet I found that I was getting frustrated at the fact I couldn’t fit everyone in.
I decided to start developing a do it at home Allergy Care Kit that would allow people to treat themselves and their family at home without having to be on a waiting list for the next available session.
Each Allergy Care Kit targets the most common allergens associated with specific symptoms and as I have extensively tested the protocol and technique used with these kits and I’m positive they will make a difference in people’s lives, I offer 100% money back guarantee if you’re not pleased with the results.
Find out more on our Allergy Care Kit page.

Tomaya Weiser
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
I’m not sure why I was born so sensitive. I’m one of those who was practically allergic to air. I always struggled with my health and during my school years, I remember missing many days of school as I was often down with some bacterial infection.
Being sick often as well as being a picky eater haven’t prevented me from being adventurous. I love travelling to new places and exploring different cultures, music, languages and food when possible.
So when I got the opportunity to go live in exotic Africa at the tender age of 16, I couldn’t turn it down. I left home and went to a boarding school in Swaziland (Southern Africa to those who aren’t sure where that is). I enjoyed getting involved with the local community and embracing different traditions and customs. I couldn’t stop travelling. I hitched around Africa, bought around the world ticket and ended up in Australia.
I really wanted to be a medical Doctor so I could volunteer in third world countries and give back, but I ended up becoming a Doctor of Chinese Medicine in Australia. I saw how effective Acupuncture can be and I was very passionate about it.
During all those years, my diet became even stricter than it already was as I was reacting to more and more things. I kept a smile on my face hoping things would get better while going to see specialists and natural healthcare practitioners.
In search of an answer, I have studied every modality I could find that I thought might help me in some way. I studied herbal medicine, nutrition, massage, reflexology, kinesiology, IPEC, theta healing, genome healing, pranic healing and more. I finally found a way to successfully clear my allergies and there was nothing I wanted more than to help others with their symptoms.
I have been treating people with food and environmental sensitivities since 2007. The method I used was very effective, yet for some people it just didn’t work, or it did work, but the symptoms returned.
I was determined to find a way to help the ones who didn’t get much relief. I had to dig deeper and combine all my knowledge and intuition to get to the root cause(s) of why we get unwell.
There are so many factors to ill-health and I have found that difficult cases (like myself) often have quite a few things in common.
I don’t want to leave any stone unturned, which is why Lesley and I have developed BodyConnect™. This technique has been consistently producing better results than any other modality I have personally tried in the past and every modality I have practiced on its own. BodyConnect™ has allowed us to treat humans (adults and babies alike) and animals via distance with great success.
We’ve been asked if this technique is teachable and the answer is YES! As of 2017, Certified BodyConnect therapy courses are offered in a few locations globally and soon to be offered online.
Please contact us on [email protected] if you’d like to learn how you can create positive and long lasting changes in your life and help others on their path to health and well-being.
I realized that offering this amazing healing and training other practitioners wasn’t enough. I have been fully booked out for months and there were many people I had to turn away. I was so happy to be so busy doing what I love, yet I found that I was getting frustrated at the fact I couldn’t fit everyone in.
I decided to develop a do it at home Allergy Care Kit that would allow people to treat themselves and their family at home without having to be on a waiting list for the next available session.
Each Allergy Care Kit targets the most common allergens associated with specific symptoms and as I have extensively tested the protocol and technique used with these kits and I’m positive they will make a difference in people’s lives, I offer 100% money back guarantee if you’re not pleased with the results.
Find out more on our Allergy Care Kit page..